
Saturday, August 23, 2008

MLM Success Secrets

MLM Success Secrets From Terri

In the Blink of an Eye, the FUN-damentals of MLM Success Have Changed Dramatically

I have to say that before I even begin to assume that I know the secrets to MLM success, I must first be honest. It takes longer than you think to succeed in any MLM, especially if you know very little about Internet marketing. MLM success requires work but the work to succeed in MLM now is soooo much more FUN than it was even just 2 years ago.

In a nutshell, the MLM Success Secrets all, and I do mean ALL, are secrets to anyone's success. Real success comes from giving value to the world. People buy what they believe is of value to them personally.

When I say "buy" I mean literally and emotionally. Marketing Psychology 101 means we must capture the audience in an attractive presentation. Attraction marketing is essential to MLM success. The secret to attraction marketing is not well known. Attraction marketing is about captivating the prospect with an offer that is perceived by your target market as personally valuable to them, whether it is education, a wellness product, a home for sale, or an MLM to join.

If you do not have anything to offer that is of value, you will not be successful.

But here's SECRET #1
We ALL Have Value To Offer The World That Is Uniquely Ours To Give

Success financially, spiritually, physically, emotionally or intellectually only comes from giving of yourself to another. That's how the world turns, how economics work, and how specifically those who succeed in MLM operate. I have to say this again because it is so important... If we do not give of ourselves to others financially, physically, emotionally, spiritually, and intellectually - then we won't succeed on any level.

Last February 2008, I didn't know much about the true MLM Success Secrets of this millennium. Everything has changed in almost the blink of an eye! Because of the second generation of the Internet, Web 2.0, we can now offer our unique value to the entire world. Those who find us on the Net who have the same interest(s) we have become our target market. Now that's what I call waaayyy more FUN than trying to convince a stranger at the mall or car wash to listen as we explain how great our MLM opportunity is. I used to hate doing that. Don't you?

Well, Here's Secret #2

Work Harder On Yourself Than You Do On Your Job
Let's take a break at this point to get more out of Secret # 2
right here ----->> MLM Success Secret #2 (have your speakers on)

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Internet Network Marketing Super Challenge!!!

This is from Micheal Henderson's blog - It's a great challenge!

"Get ideas, encouragement, exchange thoughts, to help build your internet network marketing business from a community of people for the next 12-months. Find out more by clicking the link."

read more digg story

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Mike Dillard's MLM Traffic Formula Reviewed Plus Terri-fic Traffic Tips

MLM Traffic Formula is a course that Mike Dillard put together with two other guy's, Tom Bell and Tim Erway. It comes in the mail. It's not an eBook.

It's a big seller even though the price is high. I say all that to say this... A LOT OF PEOPLE, and I mean, a LOT of people type that into Google. They type in "MLM Traffic Formula." Well I am very proud to announce that on page two of Google, you will find one of my articles on the course.

"So what?" you might say. Well, it's free advertising for me. FREE! If I decided to do Google Adwords and Pay Per Click advertising, guess how much it would cost me each and every time some one clicked on my ad? Plenty.

There are more competitive keywords like "MLM Marketing" that I'd like to start "competing" for in order to bring in more traffic to this blog and my Squidoo lenses, etc. I'll keep you posted. For now though, visit this lens and pick up a few terri-fic traffic tips that I learned from MLM Traffic Formula

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Marketing Merge Professional

What is a Marketing Merge Professional? Well, it's me. I merge Internet Marketing (IM) with Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) and I do that professionally.

Merging these two marketing professions is the new business model for MLM.

The title Marketing Merge Professional has been coined by the owner of Marketing Merge Inc. - Mike Klingler. He is also the creator of Renegade University. That's where I teach others how to be an MLM Renegade :)

A Renegade Network Marketer doesn't build an MLM business in the traditional way. Ann Sieg coined that title in her ebook called The Renegade Network Marketer. It is the textbook for Renegade University.

I know, I know... this doesn't make a lot of sense yet but bare with me. It will.

If you are trying to build an Agel downline the old way, I understand that because it used to work great, so it is still being taught all the time. The old way did work well and it is still working in other parts of the world.

The reason I say that is because of my Nigerian partners. In my Agel downline as of right now, I have over 400 Nigerians and more join every single day! Most of them are joining as executives, the $1000 start up level. But my point is, I wish I could make the old way work even half as well here but it doesn't, at least not for me.

And I have a feeling, if you live here in the US and keep trying to build your downline the way we used to, you will probably drop out soon if you haven't already.

Why doesn't the old way of talking to family, friends and strangers work here anymore? I just don't know. But thanks to the Internet, marketing merge does work.

Become a Marketing Merge Professional. You will start generating free leads in about 2 months. Enroll free now at my Renegade University website. It's a great way to make a living!

You can also call me! Here's my contact info at

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