Visitors X Conversion Rate X Sales Price = Total Revenue
If "Visitors" (traffic) = zero then obviously renvenue = zero
We have to have visitors so how do we get real people to our offer on Squidoo?
I haven't done a lot of search engine optimization (SEO) on my Agel Product Review Lens so the only people seeing it are probably not coming to it through a search term on Google, or Yahoo, or any other search engine.
They are probably referred to it either by me in an email or from Digg (see post below this one) or they are finding it because they are social media friends of mine on Squidoo. Let's see what's going on right about now:

Visits = the number of people to land on your lens.
Last 7 days: 12 visits Life of lens: 12 visits
Digg 6
Agel Renegade Blog 3 (one of these is probably you! THANK YOU!)
Internet MLM Now 2
Digg 6
Agel Renegade Blog 3 (one of these is probably you! THANK YOU!)
Internet MLM Now 2
Unknown 1
So, in a week without doing a lot of promoting or a lot of SEO, I'm okay with 12 visits. But now it's time to do something to get a lot more people to this lens.
One very powerful thing about Squidoo is the Table Of Contents Module. Stay tuned. I'll show you what I mean. We are still working backwards. But if you are wanting to hurry up and build your product review lens, then watch this tutorial. My social media friend, Tiff, is very good!