Let's get back to basics! Are you getting leads promoting this eBook? No? A few? Yes, but you don't know what to do next? S

How do you market this thing?
Sounds like me several months ago. We know attraction marketing is supposed to bring prospects to us, right?
So if no one is signing up with your link to download The Attraction Marketer's Manifesto, then you aren't using it quite right in your attraction marketing efforts - at least that was the case for me but now things are different. Just last week I have 3 new leads from marketing this eBook. So let me share with you what I changed in my marketing in order to generate free leads with attraction marketing and this fabulous free eBook.
I'm in the middle of writing an autoresponder series to help the several hundred on my list to use this eBook in the way it was designed to be used. The absolute genius of marketing wrote the book to help us generate free leads. So if the author Ann Sieg tells us how, then we can't fail. Now that I'm an associate of Ann Sieg's Renegade Marketing Team, I have the inside scoop!
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How In The World Do You Market This Thing?
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