Social media marketing will be a waist of your time if your training isn't based on the latest research in social media science. It takes time to learn social media marketing - time that you could be using to write a blog post like I'm doing right now.
Creating web content is the best use of your time if you intend to generate leads and sales from your online business. You need time for blogging, for video marketing, email marketing and article marketing. Spending huge amount of time on Twitter, Facebook, Digg and other social media sites trying to get traffic to your sites is actually the best marketing activity to outsource.
Social Media Marketing? Outsource It!
Here's what I mean... Many people join what's called a content syndication network. It's where people agree to syndicate each others web content inside a private network. The membership is either set up by agreement to do that manually or with automation. Automation makes the most sense because what you really need to do is leverage your time. Some businesses hire people to do nothing but social media marketing for them. They hire them to do be active on Twitter, Facebook, etc. promoting the brand.
I would not like that job. I don't even do it for myself but I do outsource it. I outsource almost all of my social media marketing. I do very few of my own Tweets. I don't do my own bookmarking and voting on my sites like Reddit, Mixx, Digg, Delicious, etc. and this is how I do it...
Watch this 2 minute video then click here to learn more - Synnd - Social Media Marketing With Synnd
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
MLM Launch Formula Closed? Not Yet - Last Chance!

MLM Launch Formula Closes Today!
You better hurry. This is shutting down it's doors TODAY... -
And It's most important thing I've seen all year.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
MLM Launch Formula: A Review Of The Coaching Program Called "MLM Launch Formula"
MLM Laun
ch Formula is to me, more than a coaching program by Jonathan Budd and Mark Hoverson. Why?
Because I know Mark or at least I've talked to him at length in an interview... ==>> Having Coffee With Mark Hoverson
and then met him again at his Leadership Branding live event in Vegas.
I can vouch for him, his integrity, his leadership style, the heaped on valuable information his gives away free before you ever buy from him or join his MLM.
I could go on and on because I think the world of Mark Hoverson, as most of you already know but let me just say, I'm buying MLM Launch Formula as soon as it's available Monday morning. (11:00 AM CST)
How To Launch Your Own MLM
The special training videos with the 'launch' of this "how to launch" your own MLM course are well worth watching. Even if you never buy the course, watch how these two guys teach and sell in these free videos.
A Review Of The MLM Launch Formula Coaching Program
After I buy MLM Launch Formula Monday morning, I'll begin my review of the program here. If you also buy it Monday as one of the first 200 of us who buy, the bonuses alone are unbelievable. Just one of the many bonuses we will get is a course I participated in as a buyer. It was a launch for Hoverson's Leadership Branding event. He definitely created what we call "buyers rush."
How To Create "Buyers' Rush"
How To Create A Buyers' Rush is an e-course - a detailed look, start to finish, on how Hoverson created a buyers' frenzy and made well over $300,000 in a few days. It was the Leadership Branding course and the launch of that course was totally awesome.
How many times have you wondered about the successful MLM gurus out there that have done so well offline that you just give up before you start? The buyers rush bonus will show you how to create buyers rush online or off. You can use the buyers rush strategy to recruit into your downline like Jonathan did.
Jonathan Budd tells all about it in one of the free videos...
An Online MLM Launch: Recruiting 95 People In 3 Days?
Jonathan actually set up a marketing campaign and recruited 95 people in 3 days! He was literally homeless, had to move into his parents' home, but sitting at his parents' kitchen table, he literally recruited 95 people into his MLM using just his laptop and marketing tips he learned from Mark Hoverson...
So, stay tuned. I intend to do my own MLM Launch using MLM Launch Formula strategies beginning Monday morning! I hope you will join me!

Because I know Mark or at least I've talked to him at length in an interview... ==>> Having Coffee With Mark Hoverson
and then met him again at his Leadership Branding live event in Vegas.
I can vouch for him, his integrity, his leadership style, the heaped on valuable information his gives away free before you ever buy from him or join his MLM.
I could go on and on because I think the world of Mark Hoverson, as most of you already know but let me just say, I'm buying MLM Launch Formula as soon as it's available Monday morning. (11:00 AM CST)
How To Launch Your Own MLM
The special training videos with the 'launch' of this "how to launch" your own MLM course are well worth watching. Even if you never buy the course, watch how these two guys teach and sell in these free videos.
A Review Of The MLM Launch Formula Coaching Program
After I buy MLM Launch Formula Monday morning, I'll begin my review of the program here. If you also buy it Monday as one of the first 200 of us who buy, the bonuses alone are unbelievable. Just one of the many bonuses we will get is a course I participated in as a buyer. It was a launch for Hoverson's Leadership Branding event. He definitely created what we call "buyers rush."
How To Create "Buyers' Rush"
How To Create A Buyers' Rush is an e-course - a detailed look, start to finish, on how Hoverson created a buyers' frenzy and made well over $300,000 in a few days. It was the Leadership Branding course and the launch of that course was totally awesome.
How many times have you wondered about the successful MLM gurus out there that have done so well offline that you just give up before you start? The buyers rush bonus will show you how to create buyers rush online or off. You can use the buyers rush strategy to recruit into your downline like Jonathan did.
Jonathan Budd tells all about it in one of the free videos...
An Online MLM Launch: Recruiting 95 People In 3 Days?

So, stay tuned. I intend to do my own MLM Launch using MLM Launch Formula strategies beginning Monday morning! I hope you will join me!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Entering Internet MLM Land?

Are you considering taking a trip into Internet MLM Land? Just so you know - it's a jungle out there so unless you know where you're going and how to get there, you could very easily get lost. My advice? Be sure you have a map, your passport and a guide.
The Internet MLM Map
Internet MLM is not an easy journey. Even though it's a lot more fun than traditional offline MLM, it's not a simple switch. You'd be surprised how many people take the same "journey" online that they took offline, not realizing that it's the same journey. I did and guess where that took me? No where.
Internet MLM is a completely different journey and without a map, you have to find your own way. You can succeed on your own, but it could take years and a lot of wasted money.
There are several roads that can take you into successful Internet MLM Land. Some are shorter than others. Knowing what I know now, I would say the shortest route is video marketing.
Internet MLM Passport
In the map above, your passport is the biggest piece of the big picture. So what is it? Well, for one thing, your passport allows you to travel where you would not otherwise be able to go. Let's say you want to succeed on your journey into internet MLM taking the fast track, racing to your destination really fast. Right now that would mean that you are on the video marketing super-highway.
A passport, by definition, certifies who you are for the purpose of international travel. So your internet MLM passport has to be about you. If you are on the video marketing highway, then your videos are about you. If you're on the article marketing road, same thing. The days of finding enough people at home who want to join you on your journey are long gone. With an internet MLM passport, you actually go global. The internet just automatically gives you access to an international audience but if you don't use it as a passport to certify who you are, very few will follow you.
Your Internet MLM Guide To Success
No matter what road you're on, no matter what map you use, no matter how certifiable your passport is, if you get lost, the trip takes longer. An internet MLM journey involves some pretty tough terrain like getting through courses of search engine optimization (SEO 1.0 and SEO 2.0) plus blogging for business, advertising and sales funnel construction.
Taking that journey with a guide is way more fun than getting through all of that alone. If you have a guide, it's no longer an obstacle course - it's more like a cruise!
Don't struggle so much. Hire an internet MLM guide and have a really nice trip!
Internet MLM is a completely different journey and without a map, you have to find your own way. You can succeed on your own, but it could take years and a lot of wasted money.
There are several roads that can take you into successful Internet MLM Land. Some are shorter than others. Knowing what I know now, I would say the shortest route is video marketing.
Internet MLM Passport
In the map above, your passport is the biggest piece of the big picture. So what is it? Well, for one thing, your passport allows you to travel where you would not otherwise be able to go. Let's say you want to succeed on your journey into internet MLM taking the fast track, racing to your destination really fast. Right now that would mean that you are on the video marketing super-highway.
A passport, by definition, certifies who you are for the purpose of international travel. So your internet MLM passport has to be about you. If you are on the video marketing highway, then your videos are about you. If you're on the article marketing road, same thing. The days of finding enough people at home who want to join you on your journey are long gone. With an internet MLM passport, you actually go global. The internet just automatically gives you access to an international audience but if you don't use it as a passport to certify who you are, very few will follow you.
Your Internet MLM Guide To Success
No matter what road you're on, no matter what map you use, no matter how certifiable your passport is, if you get lost, the trip takes longer. An internet MLM journey involves some pretty tough terrain like getting through courses of search engine optimization (SEO 1.0 and SEO 2.0) plus blogging for business, advertising and sales funnel construction.
Taking that journey with a guide is way more fun than getting through all of that alone. If you have a guide, it's no longer an obstacle course - it's more like a cruise!
Don't struggle so much. Hire an internet MLM guide and have a really nice trip!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
SEO 2.0 Second Generation Search Engine Optimization

What if, as a reporter on a small town newspaper, you had a column and, suddenly, all of the major newspapers decided that your column was worth publishing.
In other words, they picked up your column and put it into nation-wide syndication! How exciting would that be!
The very same thing can happen now in the internet age with Real Simple Syndication (RSS). With one click, you can get your message sent not just nation-wide but all across the globe. But how do you make that happen?
Social Media Marketing
If you want to market your business through social media, you are on the right track. The only problem is, it will take months and months of interaction on tons of social media sites. Who has time for that?
Many internet marketers have discovered that to be sociable about your business in a non-hype attractive way on social media sites will, in fact, bring in business.
When real people see what your business is about and write comments about it, Tweet on Twitter about it, and bookmark your site, then WOW! You just got Google's attention too!
What happens next? Google puts your site into world-wide syndication!
BUT... although social media marketing is an absolute "must do" in today's internet age, it takes time, lots of valuable time.
You Can Outsource Your Social Media Marketing and Get Plenty of Social Buzz
It makes sense that if you are building a business, you might not have time to interact on all of the major social media sites like Twitter and Digg. So consider outsourcing your social media marketing. Many options are available to you. Outsource the critical necessity of global syndication so that you can spend your time getting back to business!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Thinking About Building A Beauty, Health and Wellness MLM?
The Marketplace For MLM Products
Beauty, health and wellness multi-level marketing (MLM) opportunities are really hot right now if you can reach the network marketing crowd. To do that, you have to understand internet marketing. This is the toughest and yet the most exciting revelation for network marketers to understand.
Internet network marketing used to be really complicated. The MLM choice right now is anything that interests the baby boomer generation. A company that promotes beauty, health and wellness as a home-based business is a perfect MLM to consider.
Internet Network Marketing
Beauty, health and wellness MLM companies are doing very, VERY well in America and in the global economy as well. But that does not mean that you will do well, just because the company does.
Yes, many of the health and wellness MLM companies would be a very good choice when you consider their products. But you have to consider a whole lot more than that - I know you know this but it is sooo easy to be swayed with a great presentation in a hotel meeting where the music is loud and exciting and the big screen is giving you terrific examples of the life styles of the rich and famous.
Just be careful. Do your homework after the big promo. Sleep on it.
Not all health and wellness MLM companies have a great compensation plan. But they almost all have great products and top earners with wealthy life styles. The mistake so
many networkers make is believing that all they need is a great leader to follow.
It's A Mistake To Believe That You Don't Need Any Help Other Than Your Upline
Most upline recruiters are very sincerely trying to help their downline succeed but things have changed. Once upon a time, doing every thing your upline told you to do worked. Now it doesn't.
Do's and Don'ts
And there are tons of us!! But to find us, you have to go online. Find an internet network marketer who will mentor you, who understands two things:
* Health and wellness MLM is the way to go
* Leveraging the internet is the way to succeed
Beauty, health and wellness multi-level marketing (MLM) opportunities are really hot right now if you can reach the network marketing crowd. To do that, you have to understand internet marketing. This is the toughest and yet the most exciting revelation for network marketers to understand.
Internet network marketing used to be really complicated. The MLM choice right now is anything that interests the baby boomer generation. A company that promotes beauty, health and wellness as a home-based business is a perfect MLM to consider.
Internet Network Marketing
Beauty, health and wellness MLM companies are doing very, VERY well in America and in the global economy as well. But that does not mean that you will do well, just because the company does.
Yes, many of the health and wellness MLM companies would be a very good choice when you consider their products. But you have to consider a whole lot more than that - I know you know this but it is sooo easy to be swayed with a great presentation in a hotel meeting where the music is loud and exciting and the big screen is giving you terrific examples of the life styles of the rich and famous.
Just be careful. Do your homework after the big promo. Sleep on it.
Not all health and wellness MLM companies have a great compensation plan. But they almost all have great products and top earners with wealthy life styles. The mistake so
many networkers make is believing that all they need is a great leader to follow.
It's A Mistake To Believe That You Don't Need Any Help Other Than Your Upline
Most upline recruiters are very sincerely trying to help their downline succeed but things have changed. Once upon a time, doing every thing your upline told you to do worked. Now it doesn't.
Do's and Don'ts

- Do join a beauty, health and wellness MLM.
- Don't join a team that does not intend to teach internet network marketing.
And there are tons of us!! But to find us, you have to go online. Find an internet network marketer who will mentor you, who understands two things:
* Health and wellness MLM is the way to go
* Leveraging the internet is the way to succeed
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Building A Network To Increase Your Cash Flow

What are your current options to increase your cash flow? It's important to know what you want when you consider increasing your cash flow.
Do you want cash flow that's supplemental, replacement income or...
- supplemental income? Like $300 or $400 extra each month to help pay off credit cards or to buy designer clothes and accessories or to put into savings, etc.??
- replacement income? Want to quit your job and still make what you're making now?
- create wealth?
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
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