
Thursday, July 31, 2008

Marketing Your MLM Business Online: Agel Enterprises

Marketing your MLM business online successfully takes two things: Training, and time. Training: If you learn how to link a web of content together using 2 or 3 words that your prospects are frequently typing into Google, you absolutely can succeed marketing your MLM business online. Time: ...but it takes time. The Write Words: Content on the web is words. You do not have to be a writer to succeed in online marketing but you do have to write words and link specific words to other related web content.

Here's an example of my "write words" concept. What do some of your prospects type into Google? Many, many people are typing in this phrase "get rich quick." That phrase is called a keyword phrase because it is typed into search engines so many times per day that it is staggering. Today, when I typed that phrase into Google, there are 2,690,000 other people who have already typed that in today. In fact, that figure is the average number of people who type that in every day. Now are these the people I want to target with my marketing? Do I want to get their attention to join Agel? Nope. I'd rather go for the people who type in "Renegade Network Marketer" or "Renegade University" or "network marketing professional" or a million other phrases that I believe would attract the type of prospect that would be a better team member than someone who wants to "get rich quick."

If you are reading this article, you are who I'm looking for as an Agel partner. You've heard of Agel and/or you've heard of Renegade Network Marketer or Renegade University or a ton of other phrases I have been writing into the content I have out there on the web. So here's what I want you to do. At the top of this page on the right is a join or order invitation. Click it. Join by giving me your contact information. That's it! That's all it takes to begin your Agel journey!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Work At Home Not In The Grocery Store...Make Your Agel Business A Home Run Success With Internet Network Marketing!

"Work At Home!" so many ads say. Well, that's because this is the most significant time in the history of the Internet that we really and truly can have a home-based business with a Home Run Success!

Agel Enterprises can be your Home Run Success if you will build your team online while working at home not at the grocery store.

Stop the 3 foot rule that MLM has taught for years. It simply is not the same world it once was when that actually worked. Once upon a time, it was sort of successful to talk to your whole world and even people you do not know in line at the grocery store and everywhere else throughout your day. You could actually get enough leads that way for your MLM biz to build a team.

But we do not have to do that any more. We have a new rule. Instead of talking to everyone within 3 feet of you about your MLM business, instead of talking to everyone in YOUR world, talk to the entire world about your business, using this point in history online.

Web 2.0

Did you know that this second generation of the Internet, Web 2.0 is only 2 or 3 years old? We can literally work at home building an MLM downline online! You can become an Internet MLM Pro without talking to anyone within 3 feet.

So what's step one to join our Internet Agel Team? You might think I would say "join Agel, click here!" Nope! The first step is to see if you are a good fit for working at home online. How will that happen?

Try it! You'll Like It!

You have to try Web 2.0 working at home first before joining our team because what if you don't like it? If you do not like building an MLM downline online, at this point in history, you will probably fail in Agel or any other MLM business. You probably know that only 3% actually make good money in MLM. To be in that 3% now-a-days, you have to like working at home on the Internet.

Try Web 2.0 Training For Free

Here's my website for free training. Read about me then click the button at the bottom of the page, fill out my form, and learn free, from me. If you like it, call me. I'd love to help you succeed with us as an Agel Renegade!! Here's my website:

Do You Need A Guide On Your iBiz Journey?

Think An Internet Biz Is Not For You? Think Again!

Don't Know Where To Start? Start Here...
__________________________ Ageless________________________ Financial Freedom______________________________________ _________