Here's an example of my "write words" concept. What do some of your prospects type into Google? Many, many people are typing in this phrase "get rich quick." That phrase is called a keyword phrase because it is typed into search engines so many times per day that it is staggering. Today, when I typed that phrase into Google, there are 2,690,000 other people who have already typed that in today. In fact, that figure is the average number of people who type that in every day. Now are these the people I want to target with my marketing? Do I want to get their attention to join Agel? Nope. I'd rather go for the people who type in "Renegade Network Marketer" or "Renegade University" or "network marketing professional" or a million other phrases that I believe would attract the type of prospect that would be a better team member than someone who wants to "get rich quick."
If you are reading this article, you are who I'm looking for as an Agel partner. You've heard of Agel and/or you've heard of Renegade Network Marketer or Renegade University or a ton of other phrases I have been writing into the content I have out there on the web. So here's what I want you to do. At the top of this page on the right is a join or order invitation. Click it. Join by giving me your contact information. That's it! That's all it takes to begin your Agel journey!
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