Here's my thoughts about you and Agel Enterprises. Agel adding the factor of "YOU" to the business equation is really smart.
To me, the "You Factor" means what Matt Dollinger describes as sharing your contacts, your knowledge, and your compassion with those around you.
In other words, sharing YOU and what YOU bring to the table in business and in your personal life adds the "YOU Factor" to the world.
The real you, the unique you, is a contribution to society that only you can make.
But many people, corporations, and societies don't really believe that and maybe neither do YOU. But it's true or can be, if you are commited to always becoming a better you. In reality that boils down to just becoming you, the real you, who you were created to be.
If Agel adds that unique YOU Factor, the real you, it will cause all of us to grow. It's multiplication, which is sooo much better than subtraction.
The Collaboration Culture In Business Is Multiplied By the Factor "YOU"
"Give giving a chance..."
Businesses that are built on the multi-level marketing model have a completely different culture than most companies. They "give giving a chance..."
During an interview that Dillinger had with Tim Sanders, Sanders was asked about the future of the abundance mindset in businesses today.
Sanders said something like...
"If [companies] will give giving a chance, and a reasonable long time line for return, [they will] get hooked on it."
Agel Enterprises is hooked on it and is so committed to developing the YOU factor that personal development is one of their core values.
Any time you spend 30 minutes per day toward becoming a better you, you are adding to the "future of abundance" and not to the typical mindset of scarcity.
Becoming YOU
In Agel's steps to success, being commited to a self-development plan is not an option - it's the culture. Any time spent in personal development is time spent on... becoming you. Here's one of Agel's steps to success:
Commit to 30 minutes a day of self-development
(Best done first thing in the morning)
- Don’t lose sight of your goals
- Reconnect with your vision
- Review progress
- Plan your day
- Begin with scripture
- Pray about today's Bible app
You can tell by Agel's mission statement that Agel Enterprises has the culture of abundance and that the company does "give giving a chance." The return on that investment is huge. Take a look at their finacials sometime. Amazing in just a few short years.
See if you recognize the "YOU Factor" in Agel’s mission statement:
Agel's mission is to empower individuals to achieve new levels of health, financial success, and personal freedom by extending those same benefits to those around them.
Agel grows as its people grow - through commitment, dedication, and collaboration.
Agel Enterprises A TeamYou can tell that I absolutely believe in the YOU factor and would love to add YOU to our A Team at Agel Enterprises. We would be better off with YOU than without YOU!
For more information, go to this page at my Internet MLM Now website. Don't take this invitation lightly. Study what I have to say about our team and see if YOU think that Agel Enterprises Adding the Real YOU is a good idea!
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