"What if you don't have enough money to start a network marketing business or any business for that matter? Should you go deeper into debt?"
"What if you can't see past all the debt you've already accumulated? How can you ever find hope in any new business venture when you can't make ends meet now?"
You might be saying,
"Prosperity? I'd be happy if I could just get by without getting deeper and deeper into credit card debt every month."
Stop Feeling Guilty About Debt!
The first thing I would tell you is to think differently about debt. Don't think of it as this big hole you're in. There is a way to get out of debt. There are many ways. But first you have to stop feeling guilty about it. Change your mind about debt.
Feeling guilty about debt does not serve you. Instead, you can change your mind with a thought like this...
"I might be guilty of some wrong choices that have resulted in way too much debt but FEELING guilty about it doesn't help. Everyone makes mistakes. There are many, many ways to get out of debt. I can learn how other people not only get out of debt but end up living their lives in prosperity."
As a Christian, I believe this next thought will also help. Think about this - I don't always do the right thing. I don't always make good choices. God knows all that about me. But He offers hope to me that basically is like the hope that parents offer their children.
Most parents want to help their children get out of bad situations, even when it is the result of bad choices. They don't want them to be crippled with feelings of guilt. They want them to prosper and will help them in any way that they can.
"Thinking For A Change"
In John Maxwell's book, "Thinking For A Change" he talks a lot about thoughts that do not lead to prosperity and thoughts that do.
Let's think about debt, for a change -like these people on the next video...
Oh gosh, I have so many friends who are drowning in all kinds of debt, from needless spending to college!
I think the easiest way to deal with debt is just not to get too much debt at all!
Pay those monthly bills! =D
But if you are already in debt, I think the best ways to get out of debt are:
1. Cut needless spending, even if it means giving up many "creature comforts."
2. Get help! There are many quality services out there that can help you, but just make sure to watch out for those pesky Get-Rich-Quick scammers!
3. Don't give up! Many people have gotten out of debt. You can too!
Hi Judd,
GREAT tips for getting out and staying out of debt.
Debt is just one tool of investing and wisdom (not worry) is required =]
Well said Terri. And I like where you've written "I can learn how other people not only get out of debt but end up living their lives in prosperity."
As Network Marketers, I see part of our work is to guide people through just these type of problems in life, and to help them see there are ways to overcome the financial stresses in life.
As Eric Worre says (and it's so true!)...we have a better way.
Thank you Terri for this great article. It is a subject that I was just thinking about this past weekend and I used Eft to release some of my emotional blocks
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