
Wednesday, October 1, 2008

How To Build A Business Blog... DAY TWO: What Is A Title Tag And Why Should You Care?

All web content that you write has a title tag; blogs, hubpages, ezine articles, advertising - all of it. Title tags as mentioned in the post before this one is a way to say hello to Google. Now all by itself won't be a big enough hello but it is important in getting Google's attention.

For example, my title tag begins with "Agel." See the blue bar above... "Agel" is a keyword I am going for, right? But it is highly competitive. Google sees a whole lot of blue bar title tags that begin with the word "Agel."

Google "Agel" right now and the results will be in the millions, 2,870,000 to be exact. That's too competitive. But Google "Agel Renegade" and results drop down to 12,700. And right now, this blog is in the top spot of page one! So the first of 12,700 results is me!

So when you name your blog, or article or Squidoo lens, for a while, stay in the 12,000 to 22,000 range of results at Google for your first two words. Later, as you learn more about how to optimize your site, you can go for more competitive keywords.

So, now go build your business blog with a 12,000 to 22,000 Google results title.Then write one post that is at least 500 words. Then publish it.

Don't worry about how junky or short your blog is. Just publish it. No one will see it until you send traffic to it. Once you build it they will come if you "point to it," then you can dress it up a bit.

How to "point to your blog" is next, see you tomorrow!

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