If we want Google to help us attract people to Agel, promoting health and wellness worldwide, then we have to make it easy for them to Digg It! That simply means, make it easy for people to bookmark your content with places like Digg, Furl, Reddit and other bookmarking sites. Google loves that. So if you please : Thanks! Now normally you would put the icon at the beginning of your post but I wanted to make a big deal out of it here. Thanks again for the Digg and here's why. You are helping me wave at Google for this post.
The reason Google and other search engines love it when real people read our web content and Digg It :) is because it helps them with their ongoing search for relevant content.
If someone searches Google for something you write about, make it easy, Peasy! Add a Digg icon - here's how ---->How To Add A Digg Icon To Your Next Blog Post!
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