Renegade network marketing could get you to the beach for fun in the sun. Let's go together! With Agel Enterprises footing the bill!! All we have to do is sponsor 10 people by March 31, 2009.
My Business Plan :) Study This With Me...
- All expense paid trip...
- Each new executive sponsored gives you $200
- $200 X 10 = $2000 but wait...
Agel Will Give Us Spending Money Too!
If we sponsor a few more than 10 Agel will give us spending money too! Read this email i received from Agel - maybe you already have yours because you're already on my team in Nigeria??
Here's the info on qualifying - (and if you are not already with Agel you can be today. I can help you recruit 10 by March)
"The Cancun Retreat is being held Sunday, June 7, to Friday, June 12, 2009 at the exclusive Fiesta Americana Condesa Hotel in Cancun, Mexico. This year there are four levels and the rules are simple:
Elite Class Level 1 entitles you to…
1. a luxury suite
2. all food and drink for 2 people
3. plus $500 spending money
You qualify by enrolling 25 people at the executive level between November 1, 2008, and March 31, 2009.
Level 2 entitles you to…
1. a suite
2. all food and drink for 2 people
You qualify by enrolling 20 people at the executive level between November 1, 2008, and March 31, 2009.
Level 3 entitles you to…
1. a room
2. and all food and drink for 2 people
You qualify by enrolling 15 people at the executive level between November 1, 2008, and March 31, 2009.
You can also qualify for Level 3 by advancing to the rank of Corporate Director or Senior Director for the first time between November 1, 2008, and March 31, 2009.
Level 4 entitles you to…
1) a room
2) all food and drink for 1 person
You qualify by enrolling 10 people at the executive level between November 1, 2008, and March 31, 2009.
But wait! There’s more.... Members of the President’s Club who qualify at any level will receive $250 in additional spending money!
Now you know. Now go out
And see you in June!!"
Call me! (918) 830-6900 or email terri@IamAgel.com
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