Football players mean business and so do I. I've never played tackle football where a bunch of heavy people pile up on you just to keep you down. But it happens in business too so you better know what to do. First, you have to get right up and prance around a bit like nothing happened.
Panther Stealth
Panther Stealth" is a golf ball made by Slazenger. I really like it but for a pretty strange reason. I like all the Slazenger golf balls because just looking down at that panther before I hit the ball makes me strong, quick and agile. I'm all that
but I have to be reminded.

Succeeding with a golf shot, succeeding on the football field or succeeding in business...it's all the same. It has to do with knowing our strengths, thinking about those, and pretty much ignoring our weaknesses. When people encourage you to work on your weaknesses, whether it is your coach, your boss or your upline in Agel or whoever it is, that won't help most people. Look at this panther. 

Do you think for one minute that when a panther falls they just lay there thinking "man, I just have to do better. I keep tripping up. What's wrong with me? Is it my lack of discipline? Maybe it's my tendency to not look before I leap. I'm going to work on that right now while I lay here and lick my wounds."
Not hardly. A panther cat or a Carolina Panther just does not do that. Either because of instinct or because of training, dwelling on our weaknesses when we're down is not what panthers do.
Someone asked me one time "How do you always seem to land on your feet?"
Someone asked me one time "How do you always seem to land on your feet?"
Well, I don't. I really never do. When I fail or fall, it hurts but I try to get up and brush off pretty fast so that no one will notice.
People will believe you always land on your feet if you never stay down very long. That's panther stealth. It is the ability to know how to stay in the strength of who we are. I'm a panther at heart, partly instinct and partly training, partly just learning to be a football fan. 

Just remember, succeeding in any career, sport or business or just life in general does not mean dwelling on your weaknesses. Nor does it mean looking for them, analyzing about what they might be.
Everyone knows plenty about their weaknesses. Even though we all do have some blind spots, someone will point those out soon enough. Panther stealth just means knowing the strength of "you." Now, Go Panthers!!
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