Example #1 Twitter Marketing Short and Tweet
Blogging Secrets
Terri-fic Training With Terri Stallcop
Monday, July 18, 2011
Video Marketing 101: How To Create A Dynamic Little Video Clip
Example #1 Twitter Marketing Short and Tweet
Saturday, February 26, 2011
MLM Facebook Formula
Here's my MLM Facebook Formula for attraction marketing... it has to be all about your ability to give great free stuff on your Facebook Fan Page. That's attractive, it's the top of your sales funnel, and can lead interested prospects to your MLM blog.
You can only have one Facebook Profile but you can have as many Facebook Pages as you want. Facebook Pages are designed to be promotional.
Facebook Profiles are designed to be personal.
It's the very same concept in attraction marketing that I teach about blogging.
Blog posts are mostly personal with an occasional link to something promotional The side bar on your blog is designed to be promotional with an occasional widget that is personal, like the about me section on this blog.
Create Your Facebook Business Page
Another name for your Facebook Fan Page is Facebook Business Page. Choose the brand or product icon to begin the MLM Facebook Formula.
When it asks for "catagory" choose your MLM product type like "health and beauty" or "vitamins and supplements," etc. if that's your focus. If your focus is your MLM opportunity, choose "product/service." But just remember, your overall goal is attraction marketing, marketing YOU, not your company and products. Now this is the important part, naming your Facebook Page.
Choose carefully what you put in the window "Brand or Product" because it becomes the name of your page. Read the Facebook Pages Terms before you agree. But don't worry too much if you make a mistake on the name of your page because you can always start all over and create a new page.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Social Media Marketing Pays Off
Creating web content is the best use of your time if you intend to generate leads and sales from your online business. You need time for blogging, for video marketing, email marketing and article marketing. Spending huge amount of time on Twitter, Facebook, Digg and other social media sites trying to get traffic to your sites is actually the best marketing activity to outsource.
Social Media Marketing? Outsource It!
Here's what I mean... Many people join what's called a content syndication network. It's where people agree to syndicate each others web content inside a private network. The membership is either set up by agreement to do that manually or with automation. Automation makes the most sense because what you really need to do is leverage your time. Some businesses hire people to do nothing but social media marketing for them. They hire them to do be active on Twitter, Facebook, etc. promoting the brand.
I would not like that job. I don't even do it for myself but I do outsource it. I outsource almost all of my social media marketing. I do very few of my own Tweets. I don't do my own bookmarking and voting on my sites like Reddit, Mixx, Digg, Delicious, etc. and this is how I do it...
Watch this 2 minute video then click here to learn more - Synnd - Social Media Marketing With Synnd
Monday, June 14, 2010
MLM Launch Formula Closed? Not Yet - Last Chance!

MLM Launch Formula Closes Today!
You better hurry. This is shutting down it's doors TODAY... http://www.MLMLaunchFormula.com?a=1384509 -
And It's most important thing I've seen all year.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
MLM Launch Formula: A Review Of The Coaching Program Called "MLM Launch Formula"

Because I know Mark or at least I've talked to him at length in an interview... ==>> Having Coffee With Mark Hoverson
and then met him again at his Leadership Branding live event in Vegas.
I can vouch for him, his integrity, his leadership style, the heaped on valuable information his gives away free before you ever buy from him or join his MLM.
I could go on and on because I think the world of Mark Hoverson, as most of you already know but let me just say, I'm buying MLM Launch Formula as soon as it's available Monday morning. (11:00 AM CST)
How To Launch Your Own MLM
The special training videos with the 'launch' of this "how to launch" your own MLM course are well worth watching. Even if you never buy the course, watch how these two guys teach and sell in these free videos.
A Review Of The MLM Launch Formula Coaching Program
After I buy MLM Launch Formula Monday morning, I'll begin my review of the program here. If you also buy it Monday as one of the first 200 of us who buy, the bonuses alone are unbelievable. Just one of the many bonuses we will get is a course I participated in as a buyer. It was a launch for Hoverson's Leadership Branding event. He definitely created what we call "buyers rush."
How To Create "Buyers' Rush"
How To Create A Buyers' Rush is an e-course - a detailed look, start to finish, on how Hoverson created a buyers' frenzy and made well over $300,000 in a few days. It was the Leadership Branding course and the launch of that course was totally awesome.
How many times have you wondered about the successful MLM gurus out there that have done so well offline that you just give up before you start? The buyers rush bonus will show you how to create buyers rush online or off. You can use the buyers rush strategy to recruit into your downline like Jonathan did.
Jonathan Budd tells all about it in one of the free videos...
An Online MLM Launch: Recruiting 95 People In 3 Days?

So, stay tuned. I intend to do my own MLM Launch using MLM Launch Formula strategies beginning Monday morning! I hope you will join me!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Entering Internet MLM Land?

Are you considering taking a trip into Internet MLM Land? Just so you know - it's a jungle out there so unless you know where you're going and how to get there, you could very easily get lost. My advice? Be sure you have a map, your passport and a guide.
The Internet MLM Map
Internet MLM is a completely different journey and without a map, you have to find your own way. You can succeed on your own, but it could take years and a lot of wasted money.
There are several roads that can take you into successful Internet MLM Land. Some are shorter than others. Knowing what I know now, I would say the shortest route is video marketing.
Internet MLM Passport
In the map above, your passport is the biggest piece of the big picture. So what is it? Well, for one thing, your passport allows you to travel where you would not otherwise be able to go. Let's say you want to succeed on your journey into internet MLM taking the fast track, racing to your destination really fast. Right now that would mean that you are on the video marketing super-highway.
A passport, by definition, certifies who you are for the purpose of international travel. So your internet MLM passport has to be about you. If you are on the video marketing highway, then your videos are about you. If you're on the article marketing road, same thing. The days of finding enough people at home who want to join you on your journey are long gone. With an internet MLM passport, you actually go global. The internet just automatically gives you access to an international audience but if you don't use it as a passport to certify who you are, very few will follow you.
Your Internet MLM Guide To Success
No matter what road you're on, no matter what map you use, no matter how certifiable your passport is, if you get lost, the trip takes longer. An internet MLM journey involves some pretty tough terrain like getting through courses of search engine optimization (SEO 1.0 and SEO 2.0) plus blogging for business, advertising and sales funnel construction.
Taking that journey with a guide is way more fun than getting through all of that alone. If you have a guide, it's no longer an obstacle course - it's more like a cruise!
Don't struggle so much. Hire an internet MLM guide and have a really nice trip!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
SEO 2.0 Second Generation Search Engine Optimization

What if, as a reporter on a small town newspaper, you had a column and, suddenly, all of the major newspapers decided that your column was worth publishing.
In other words, they picked up your column and put it into nation-wide syndication! How exciting would that be!
The very same thing can happen now in the internet age with Real Simple Syndication (RSS). With one click, you can get your message sent not just nation-wide but all across the globe. But how do you make that happen?
Social Media Marketing
If you want to market your business through social media, you are on the right track. The only problem is, it will take months and months of interaction on tons of social media sites. Who has time for that?
Many internet marketers have discovered that to be sociable about your business in a non-hype attractive way on social media sites will, in fact, bring in business.
When real people see what your business is about and write comments about it, Tweet on Twitter about it, and bookmark your site, then WOW! You just got Google's attention too!
What happens next? Google puts your site into world-wide syndication!
BUT... although social media marketing is an absolute "must do" in today's internet age, it takes time, lots of valuable time.
You Can Outsource Your Social Media Marketing and Get Plenty of Social Buzz
It makes sense that if you are building a business, you might not have time to interact on all of the major social media sites like Twitter and Digg. So consider outsourcing your social media marketing. Many options are available to you. Outsource the critical necessity of global syndication so that you can spend your time getting back to business!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Thinking About Building A Beauty, Health and Wellness MLM?
Beauty, health and wellness multi-level marketing (MLM) opportunities are really hot right now if you can reach the network marketing crowd. To do that, you have to understand internet marketing. This is the toughest and yet the most exciting revelation for network marketers to understand.
Internet network marketing used to be really complicated. The MLM choice right now is anything that interests the baby boomer generation. A company that promotes beauty, health and wellness as a home-based business is a perfect MLM to consider.
Internet Network Marketing
Beauty, health and wellness MLM companies are doing very, VERY well in America and in the global economy as well. But that does not mean that you will do well, just because the company does.
Yes, many of the health and wellness MLM companies would be a very good choice when you consider their products. But you have to consider a whole lot more than that - I know you know this but it is sooo easy to be swayed with a great presentation in a hotel meeting where the music is loud and exciting and the big screen is giving you terrific examples of the life styles of the rich and famous.
Just be careful. Do your homework after the big promo. Sleep on it.
Not all health and wellness MLM companies have a great compensation plan. But they almost all have great products and top earners with wealthy life styles. The mistake so
many networkers make is believing that all they need is a great leader to follow.
It's A Mistake To Believe That You Don't Need Any Help Other Than Your Upline
Most upline recruiters are very sincerely trying to help their downline succeed but things have changed. Once upon a time, doing every thing your upline told you to do worked. Now it doesn't.
Do's and Don'ts

- Do join a beauty, health and wellness MLM.
- Don't join a team that does not intend to teach internet network marketing.
And there are tons of us!! But to find us, you have to go online. Find an internet network marketer who will mentor you, who understands two things:
* Health and wellness MLM is the way to go
* Leveraging the internet is the way to succeed
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Building A Network To Increase Your Cash Flow

What are your current options to increase your cash flow? It's important to know what you want when you consider increasing your cash flow.
Do you want cash flow that's supplemental, replacement income or...
- supplemental income? Like $300 or $400 extra each month to help pay off credit cards or to buy designer clothes and accessories or to put into savings, etc.??
- replacement income? Want to quit your job and still make what you're making now?
- create wealth?
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Article Marketing For Your Network Marketing Business

Article Marketing - Try It! You'll Like It!
Here's what's really fun about article marketing when you do it right...
- You can spread the word about your business on page one of google - not directly but indirectly.
- You can even get into successful product marketing of your MLM company's products if you follow the rules.
- You can attract potential business partners to you and your MLM when they see that you know how to build an internet multi-level marketing machine!
If you know anything about internet marketing, you know that getting on page one in the top position for competitive keyword phrases is not easy.

(Except, of course, if you have a marketing super guide to help you, well then in that case, it's very easy!:) The above screen shot is an ezine article of mine in top position for the fairly competive keyword phrase "web syndication for your blog."
How To Use Article Marketing To Promote Your MLM Products
In Agel, we have a brown seaweed product called UMI that tastes like green jolly rancher candy. It is rich in fucoidan, a very frequently searched keyword in Google. At the time of this writing, if you search Google for information about fucoidan, the number of websites competing to be on page one is 170,000. When you search for fucoidan rich, Google results are still pretty high, 105,000, and my ezine article is in #1 position, on page one.
Internet Multi-Level Marketing Machine
The strategy of an online marketing machine is to link individual educational articles to your blog. Tons of them. You can't just write a few articles. But if you write a few articles every month that take the reader to you and your blog, then before long, you have a marketing machine that works for you 224/7. Then you can take a break, and travel the world.
It's not hard. A few blog posts per week with one or two articles linking to your relevant blog posts is all you need to do. And remember, you are building a marketing machine to attract people first to you, not your MLM. For example, my ezine article about fucoidan isn't a sales pitch of any kind. That would be against the rules.
But I do mention the Agel product UMI in my review as part of my marketing machine. When people search for information about fucoidan, they are the people who would be very interested in UMI. Some of them will go to the bottom of the article and click on my links that bring the prospect here, to this blog.
At your blog, make sure your visitors get even more great quality information. You can be more promotional in your blog as long as you follow the new FTC rules of marketing. You can sell your business, your products and you, all online. The main thing is... Don't give up! Build an internet multi-level marketing machine because if you build it, they will come.
To learn more about network marketing online, go to www.MarketingSuperGuide.com
Friday, December 4, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Renegade Network Marketer Notes On Prosperity... Stop Feeling Guilty About Debt!

"What if you don't have enough money to start a network marketing business or any business for that matter? Should you go deeper into debt?"
"What if you can't see past all the debt you've already accumulated? How can you ever find hope in any new business venture when you can't make ends meet now?"
You might be saying,
"Prosperity? I'd be happy if I could just get by without getting deeper and deeper into credit card debt every month."
Stop Feeling Guilty About Debt!
The first thing I would tell you is to think differently about debt. Don't think of it as this big hole you're in. There is a way to get out of debt. There are many ways. But first you have to stop feeling guilty about it. Change your mind about debt.
Feeling guilty about debt does not serve you. Instead, you can change your mind with a thought like this...
"I might be guilty of some wrong choices that have resulted in way too much debt but FEELING guilty about it doesn't help. Everyone makes mistakes. There are many, many ways to get out of debt. I can learn how other people not only get out of debt but end up living their lives in prosperity."
As a Christian, I believe this next thought will also help. Think about this - I don't always do the right thing. I don't always make good choices. God knows all that about me. But He offers hope to me that basically is like the hope that parents offer their children.
Most parents want to help their children get out of bad situations, even when it is the result of bad choices. They don't want them to be crippled with feelings of guilt. They want them to prosper and will help them in any way that they can.
"Thinking For A Change"
In John Maxwell's book, "Thinking For A Change" he talks a lot about thoughts that do not lead to prosperity and thoughts that do.
Let's think about debt, for a change -like these people on the next video...
Monday, November 23, 2009
Three Fear Busters

Fear Is Real: Fear is a real gut feeling but it is not always based on real dangers. Did you know that most of the barriers to success that you feel are not real? They are imaginary!
Money: Are you too comfortable? What if your MLM business was a franchise that you invested, borrowed, $100,000? You wouldn't have a choice. As a business owner, you would be all about making the franchise work. What if you have an unconscious fear of giving it your all and still "failing?" What if your conscious mind could easily convince you unconscious mind that there is actually no such thing as "failure?"
Motivation: What if you are fairly comfortable with yourself and your habits? Sure you can improve but right now, what if you are not all that motivated to change? What if in your unconscious mind, you actually fear finding out who you really are. What if the unique, gifted potential inside you scares you a little bit?
Mindset: What if you are tossed to and frow and have always been easily influenced by the people around you? When they are up, you are up. When they're down, you're down. What if you've never really decided to succeed, no matter what? What if in the your unconscious mind, you actually fear success?
Eric Worre is one of the top leaders in Agel Enterprises. He is my upline and team leader of Agel A Team Central.
Worre has a simple fear buster for each of these 3Ms and they are not scary :)
Sunday, November 15, 2009
How To Personally Recruit More People Into Your Network Marketing Business
Let's just say that its more team members. You feel like you need to increase the "habit" of prospecting but you really don't like thinking about it because there's something nagging you about it.
Now, instead of thinking, just focus on or picture what it looks like in the future after you have personally recruited 30 more team members.
Next, picture the real people you know or at least know about people who probably have at least 30 personal recruits in their down-line.
Picture what their lifestyle probably is now as compared to what it probably was before recruiting all 30 people. Even if you've done a lot of imaging and visualization before, go ahead and exercise your imagination for a few minutes more now. Imagine yourself in their shoes.
Imagine that nothing is nagging at you right now. You've already done all the work to get 30 people to join you.
Now, here's the one big thing that imagining things like this will do for you. It can expand your mind toward actions you want to take - not toward the actions that are nagging at you but toward fresh new ideas that will move you and inspire you into effective action. And it won't even seem like work.
Do this every day. That's it. Because what will happen, is old nagging thoughts will come at first and you just dismiss them. You've already decided to make progress today and you will. As soon as something comes into your mind that you would ENJOY doing that could move you toward recruiting someone, then do that.
Tomorrow, same thing. And new ideas will come, especially if you add another habit to your daily intentions and that is, spend 30 minutes every day on self-development by doing 3 important things:
- Read.
- Read.
- And Read.
The shorter version of all this is...
And you will find that some actions lead to more progress than others. Notice what they are when they happen and decide to do more of that type of action.
Also, some of the actions you take might move you forward but they aren't enjoyable. Then take a different tack. Why? Because it is sooo important to enjoy the journey on the way to your destination.
Remember, there are so many roads to success. Pick the one that's fun for you. There are tons of options out there, tons of ideas, for whatever outcome you are focusing on.
In our example, I can list a whole lot of ideas that will help you personally recruit 30 people into your network marketing business. They are listed in my free report called
But here are a few of them...
- One of the methods people use successfully is to share with everyone you know the message of your MLM - either through a CD or a DVD. That truly works but if you are like me, I didn't like doing it.
- Sending out an email to every one you know inviting them to check out your great business opportunity that has a link in it to your MLM website - I didn't like doing that either
- Having friends and family over for a private business reception where you show them a fabulous DVD about your business and give them samples of your products - it works but I didn't like doing it
- Holding a conference call with an MLM guest speaker, charging people only their email address for registration - calling these people back after the call would be fun because they are already interested in MLM
- Some of them will be your ideas in the night. Some will be what you read here, others what you read or hear about elsewhere. The neat thing is, if you practice daily intentions, you will live a purpose-driven life. And that my friend, is very powerful.
But remember, the way to make it happen, the way to increase your drive, your passion, and your joy in making it happen is two-fold:
- Daily Intentions and
- Daily personal development
to do what we already know we have to do
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Agel Enterprises Adding the Factor "You"

Here's my thoughts about you and Agel Enterprises. Agel adding the factor of "YOU" to the business equation is really smart.
To me, the "You Factor" means what Matt Dollinger describes as sharing your contacts, your knowledge, and your compassion with those around you.
In other words, sharing YOU and what YOU bring to the table in business and in your personal life adds the "YOU Factor" to the world.
The real you, the unique you, is a contribution to society that only you can make.
But many people, corporations, and societies don't really believe that and maybe neither do YOU. But it's true or can be, if you are commited to always becoming a better you. In reality that boils down to just becoming you, the real you, who you were created to be.
If Agel adds that unique YOU Factor, the real you, it will cause all of us to grow. It's multiplication, which is sooo much better than subtraction.
The Collaboration Culture In Business Is Multiplied By the Factor "YOU"
"Give giving a chance..."
Businesses that are built on the multi-level marketing model have a completely different culture than most companies. They "give giving a chance..."
During an interview that Dillinger had with Tim Sanders, Sanders was asked about the future of the abundance mindset in businesses today.
Sanders said something like...
"If [companies] will give giving a chance, and a reasonable long time line for return, [they will] get hooked on it."
Agel Enterprises is hooked on it and is so committed to developing the YOU factor that personal development is one of their core values.
Any time you spend 30 minutes per day toward becoming a better you, you are adding to the "future of abundance" and not to the typical mindset of scarcity.
Becoming YOU
In Agel's steps to success, being commited to a self-development plan is not an option - it's the culture. Any time spent in personal development is time spent on... becoming you. Here's one of Agel's steps to success:
Commit to 30 minutes a day of self-development
(Best done first thing in the morning)
- Don’t lose sight of your goals
- Reconnect with your vision
- Review progress
- Plan your day
- Begin with scripture
- Pray about today's Bible app
You can tell by Agel's mission statement that Agel Enterprises has the culture of abundance and that the company does "give giving a chance." The return on that investment is huge. Take a look at their finacials sometime. Amazing in just a few short years.
See if you recognize the "YOU Factor" in Agel’s mission statement:
Agel's mission is to empower individuals to achieve new levels of health, financial success, and personal freedom by extending those same benefits to those around them.
Agel grows as its people grow - through commitment, dedication, and collaboration.
Agel Enterprises A TeamYou can tell that I absolutely believe in the YOU factor and would love to add YOU to our A Team at Agel Enterprises. We would be better off with YOU than without YOU!
For more information, go to this page at my Internet MLM Now website. Don't take this invitation lightly. Study what I have to say about our team and see if YOU think that Agel Enterprises Adding the Real YOU is a good idea!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Marketing Agel Enterprises As A Renegade Network Marketer

First I can tell you what kind of "marketing" did not work for me. After plenty of experience and waaay too much time and money spent on
- DVDs,
- CDs,
- magazines,
- hotel meetings, and
- home parties
Ann Sieg called me! She called me because I'm a successful renegade network marketer. So first, let's talk about why she called me. Then let's talk about marketing Agel Enterprises as a renegade.
Marketing Your MLM As A Renegade Network Marketer
(1) The reason she called me is because I successfully market and sell a lot of her information products and memberships into her private training site - the one designed and co-owned by her partner, Mike Klingler. Two examples (they both have a LOT more products that are easy to market and sell) -
- Ann Sieg's eBook The Renegade Network Marketer
- Mike Klingler's training site Renegade Professional
Marketing Your MLM As A Renegade Network Marketer:
- is more professional
- costs less
- brings in several streams of income
- and is a whole lot more fun!
Two things are probably influencing factors that help - the current global economy changes and the current changes in the global internet. The world wide web is exactly that and it's an unbelievable opportunity for any one who would like to build a business online.
Renegade Professional Marketing To Build Your MLM Business... And Then Some!
Keep your day job for a while, work at night and on weekends. Be patient and give yourself a learning curve. Learn how to do a little research online to discover what niche you want to be in. If your MLM is nutritional products and skin care like mine is, find out if others are making money ONLINE in that niche. (And yes, they are!)
In other words, find out if there's a market for doing what you want to do. I took a little different turn and like promoting generic internet network marketing training products and services to cashflow my MLM. That's easier for me right now. But eventually, promoting health and wellness, beauty and fitness, will be great fun too.
Here's the key to Marketing Agel Enterprises As A Renegade Network Marketer:
The thing about Agel renegade network marketers is that we do NOT pitch Agel products and the Agel business opportunity. We promote and market generic valuable information for people who are already sold on network marketing.
Sunday, September 27, 2009

Dear Team Mates,
You are hereby cordially invited to qualify for the 2010 Agel Leadership Retreat at the singular Hayman Island Resort just off the Great Barrier Reef January 22nd throught 28th.
The Hayman Great Barrier Reef Resort is literally one of the most famous resorts in the world. With helicopter and cruise ship visits to the nearby reef, sea kayak excursions, water sports, whale watching, hiking, snorkel and diving adventures, fine dining and shopping, spa treatments, and so much more, you simply have to be there to believe it.
All Diamond Directors and above PLUS team members who qualify as Corporate Directors for at least three months in 2009 will be invited to attend. Each month of qualification as a Diamond or above earns you additional Package Points enhancing your Retreat Vacation. For more inspiration, watch the Leadership Retreat announcement video here or watch it on Agel's YouTube channel here.
So here's to you making it to Hayman!
G'day mate!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
How to Succeed With Affiliate Marketing
What Affiliate Programs Will Generate the Most Money? That's Actually the Wrong Question...
So what is the right question? If you want to make a living with affiliate marketing, be sure that you don't just assume that one size fits all. The right question is, what would be relevant to my target market?Let's analyze what I do since I've learned from my mistakes. :0 (finally)
Online, the affiliate programs that are making money for me sell only because I have learned how to reach my target market. Educational products about internet network marketing work well for me but they might not for you. Afterall, I'm a renegade network marketer - I had to break out of the MLM mold, so to speak. Why? Because I was failing. Well, people like me who have failed at MLM but still want to build a home-based business - that's who I can help. So I market my affiliate programs to people wanting a solution to that particular problem.
For Example, If You Are Good At Selling All Kinds Of Products, You Aren't My Target Market :)
I'm not good at sales so I can't help you if you are. I could if I chose to find an affiliate program that is right up your alley. I could study marketing your field and try to set up a website that would attract you but I'm better at writing about what I know from experience. Why? Because I can't sell anything face to face and you can. I can't relate.
If you are a network marketer who's not good at sales, you are my target market.
I'm not good at talking to uninterested people about Agel. I'm just not. Maybe you aren't either. Some people are. Some of my upline are excellent salesmen. But not me. Giving a sales pitch feels ridiculous to me.
So what did I do? Well, most of you know exactly what I did. I searched the internet for help, found Ann Sieg's book, The Renegade Network Marketer, and now I promote it. I sell it! Shocking. But I do and it's providing a nice income for me.
The change in my confidence and degree of hope went up because of her eBook. Did I start selling her book immediately as an affiliate? No, I'd never heard of affiliate marketing to cashflow my business with customers who say no to Agel.
But eventually, that became my affiliate marketing niche - I wanted to help people find out about a new way of network marketing online and decided to learn how to write and sell an eBook like Ann Sieg did :)
Of course as time goes on, I continued to study, I discovered that Ann Sieg would pay me to sell her eBook. So if I'm not good at sales, how does that work? Like a charm. Why? Because I only market to interested people, not to everyone I know, not to perfect strangers in the grocery store - just to people who find me online because of my internet marketing skills. All of the products I sell help people leave the old ways of network marketing behind. Sometimes my affiliate program customers ask about my MLM and a few even join.
The really great thing is that I am no longer Ms Desperate Marketer. Lisa explains affiliate marketing so well. Please watch her video. We will get into how to Clickbank in the next post.
That being said - consider some of my favorite affiliate programs and products:
My favorite business tool... www.CardsR.us
My favorite eBook... The Renegade Network Marketer
My favorite Internet Marketing Course www.TerriStallcop.com
My favorite Content Syndication Tool... www.SynndSEO.com
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Try My Agel Renegade Search Engine!

Want to learn how to do this? Call me to set up your appointment: 918.830.6900
Having your own search engine with special effects is really so cool but very few people even know that Google will do this for you.
When you click on my search engine above (the picture of my Google engine :), be sure to also notice the really cool branding I did in the left right hand top corner of the search results. Click on it and see what you can do in branding your very own search engine!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Attraction Marketer's Manifesto - How To Generate Leads Using This Free eBook

Let's get back to basics! Are you getting leads promoting this eBook? No? A few? Yes, but you don't know what to do next? S

Sounds like me several months ago. We know attraction marketing is supposed to bring prospects to us, right?
So if no one is signing up with your link to download The Attraction Marketer's Manifesto, then you aren't using it quite right in your attraction marketing efforts - at least that was the case for me but now things are different. Just last week I have 3 new leads from marketing this eBook. So let me share with you what I changed in my marketing in order to generate free leads with attraction marketing and this fabulous free eBook.
I'm in the middle of writing an autoresponder series to help the several hundred on my list to use this eBook in the way it was designed to be used. The absolute genius of marketing wrote the book to help us generate free leads. So if the author Ann Sieg tells us how, then we can't fail. Now that I'm an associate of Ann Sieg's Renegade Marketing Team, I have the inside scoop!
Just sign up below.
Email Marketing by iContact
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Forum Signature: Put Your Business Out There With Your Signature
I'm talking about an automatic signature that magically shows up every time you post at a forum.
Terri-fic Traffic Tip
Always look for ways of putting your business out there without being obnoxious :)
An automatic forum post signature is one of the very best ways to do it.
Take a look at my new signature at BetterNetworker.com. All I did was participate in a poll. Took all of maybe 3 minutes and at the end of my comment in the forum is my new automatic forum signature, complete with a favorite quote, two links and a little color. Very Cool! I studied Melanie's video to learn how...
How to Build An Automatic Forum Signature by Melanie Melletics
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Agel Renegade Breakthrough Mentoring Program

What I've been teaching is just simple lead generation using the internet with article marketing and blogging. BUT there's a whole 'nother level!!
We're talkin' business success that people like Ann Sieg know all about and now they are telling us!
Did you know that the people who generate the MOST leads online AREN'T the ones spending the majority of their time putting up pay-per-click ads, blogging or making vide

Ann Sieg's Renegade Breakthrough Mentoring Program is a huge opportunity to learn exactly what that means!!
Learn what I mean by being mentored and not just given instruction and consultation, by none other than Ann Sieg and Mike Klingler, my all time favorite mentors.

Here's A Little Sneek Peek Of Ann Sieg's Last Email...
"In this 6 month mentoring program we're going to be covering more
advanced business building strategies like...
- Networking, Alliances, Partnering and JV's
- You and Your Business Model: Viability & Long-Term Growth
- Outsourcing & Building an All-Star Marketing Team
- Market Research: Finding and Creating a Hungry Mob
- Creating Content: Building Your Own Fort Knox"
"We started this mentoring program as kind of an "experiment" a few weeks ago by offering it to Renegade Professional members only to see if it was something that people liked.
Since then, people have been telling us that it's the most valuable mentoring program they've ever been apart of – even more than many $5,000 and $10,000 programs that some of them have joined!
So we decided to make it available to everyone!
Right now we're not going to be limiting the number of
available slots in
Renegade Breakthrough."
PS Imagine your breakthrough like this...
- Simple outsourcing and team building methods to slash costs, free up huge amounts of your time... and eliminate the need to learn things that you don't know how to do (or want to do!)
- How to create a message so you stand out as an individual and build a massive reputation on the web.
- How to know if you're even in the right business to begin with. Attraction marketing will work for any business or product... but some will get you where you want to be faster than others. We'll show you what to look for.
- Collaboration, networking, and relationship-building strategies that are so irresistible even your competitors will want to work with you.
- How to know which products to promote and how many to promote.
- What it takes for YOU to succeed in this business (in a way that fits your values, personality and lifestyle). You'll get real alternatives to the typical "one-size-fits-all" approach.
- How to get even the biggest heavy hitters to promote your business or product.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
How to Promote Your Agel Business With Video Marketing
When Mark Hoverson makes a video, you get to know him. Some don't like what he has to say. But people who do will look for more information at his video.
Doing that, finding out more about you because of your video should lead people to your lead capture page, not your Agel website or product information. That comes later in the sales funnel.
Attraction action first, then sales. To promote your business with video, promote yourself first by giving others the truth about you, what you believe, etc.
Many people don't want to hear about what I believe on a youtube video. That's okay. The people who do care about spiritual things will be interested in the way I do business and they are the people I want on my team.
If, for example, you are like Hoverson and I, give the facts to your prospects and team in film about what you believe as a Christian and how that relates to business. I use scripture often.
Ultimately people who think like me call me. Some actually want to work with me. So then I tell them about where to find more information about Agel and we go from there.
Some of these people are not interested in Agel but they are interested in being in business with me in some way, as a temporary or long term joint venture partner, or any number of other wonderful wealth producing strategies that are truly blessed by Christ, who gives us all things to enjoy.
1 Timothy 6:17
Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Capture Pages: How To Get Target Market Attention FAST
First, thing to know about your target market is to realize that today's search engine shopper will only give you 5 seconds to captivate them. That's pretty much it. They are on a search and will quickly leave you and search elsewhere if they believe in the first 5 seconds that you aren't going to answer their question.
Any keyword search term is a question. Knowing what the question is takes more than common sense. Did you know that around February, most people who google with the word income, they aren't at all questioning how to make more?
The number one question most people have in mind when they google the word income around February is all about income taxes.
So to be sure my target audience is seeing my capture page, I'm going to use the words "Ann Sieg" because I want online networkers that have questions to find me.
One they click on my article or video in pay per click ads or in the organic free section on google with the term "Ann Sieg" then I have 5 seconds to captivate them. We'll see if this video works. It might not because it's a little too long.
In the next section we will put our video into a capture page that we can create in 15 minutes!
And, video, very brief videos seem to be working if we remember to be authentic and not full of hype.
Just to quickly get a video up in a capture page I'm going to use this one but it is way too long. So I will edit it or just make a better one.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Capture Pages Part One: For Free Agel Leads - Don't Buy Leads To Build Your Agel Business
Create A Squeeze Page For Only $1 With Matthew Glanfield's Your Squeeze Page Version 3.0 software, you can finally...
Click here for a free video demonstration |
Let's talk about capture pages. One of the best capture pages I've seen that is upfront about their network marketing company by name and yet is using attraction marketing and not hype is Mark's.
Mark Hoverson is with Global Resorts Network. Let's back-engineer what Hoverson has done.
- Point To Your Lead Capture Page With A Link Beside A YouTube Video: Hoverson has a video that he has probably posted in many video sharing sites. The video is strategically linked to his capture page for Global Resorts Network. It is not linked to the Global Resorts Network company replicated site.
- Video Tutorial About Generic Network Marketing Online: Free education sells you. In your video, be you. No hype. Just education. Watch this - double click so you can see the links to right.
This video has a link to the right hand side at YouTube that takes you to his capture page. I'm sure he has other content on the internet that does the very same thing. That's what I mean by the words "point to your capture page with a link beside your video at YouTube.
We are back engineering here so what I want you to do is design a simple capture page that mentions Agel or your MLM company but does not make the MLM company your marketing focus. I'll show you what I mean tomorrow. Stay tuned for Lead Capture Page part two.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Network Marketing Online SEO 1.0
Well, I hope to provide entertainment and education with YouTube. It has taken me a long time to even try this. But, finally, I did it!
I'll be putting it EVERYWHERE... not because it's great. As you can see, it's just a short little video about marketing online.
Are You Doing Any Video Marketing?
I can help if you are a beginner and would like to start marketing your business on YouTube and tons of other sites. It isn't nearly as hard as I thought it would be. It just takes time to get the nerve :)
Squidoo is a great place to start. If you intend to really benefit from network marketing online, put your videos on Squidoo. I will be starting an entire campaign through video tutorials on Squidoo to help Agel networkers and others learn step by step how to get to know real people who are interested in your business. You are good at networking - just do it online.
Watch as Mike Klingler slowly introduces the beginner to Squidoo with video marketing, step by step. I have learned so much from him and if you are a beginner like I was, so can you. In fact, many long time internet marketers do not understand the power of NETWORKING online.
Network Marketing Online Prospecting
Video marketing is so powerful. If you want to MAXIMIZE what I've been calling your "online marketing machine," add video marketing. It will launch your marketing machine into auto-pilot faster than anything. Then you can take a break and see the world! That's definitely my business plan :)
Monday, February 9, 2009
Learn Pay Per Click Advertising and Explode Your Agel Business Worldwide

MLM networkers, especially those of you who are Agel networkers, I can relate to your pain. Network marketing is painful when we try to generate leads for our business before we know anything about marketing.
PPC Domination by Mike Dillard and Jim Yaghi is a course that I must mention right now while it's very hot! You see, Google changed the rules right after the course sold to 1000s including me. So the video tutorials have just a few corrections for Jim Yaghi to make in them. It's no big deal though if you use your own capture page like the example in the first video on "The Sales Funnel." Google wants us to no longer use our domain names forwarding them to our affiliate's capture page. That was fine with Google three or four weeks ago and now it isn't.
Very interesting story but for right now, I want to tell you that I think PPC ads are going to explode my Agel business beyond belief!
In my other blog, I'm giving a play by play progress report that many people are reading (thank you, Readers!!)
I'm interrupting my blogging series here just briefly to get this news in because pay per click (PPC) ads might be your answer to generating tons of leads for your MLM business.
Go now to get right to the whole story from Mike Dillard in this video about PPC Domination.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Blogging For Business Series
Have you ever heard of a professional blogger- someone who actually makes their living from their blog(s)? For example, do you know who Yaro Starak is?
Yaro Starak
Starak started out with an online business that was making around $50.000 which took quite a bit of time out of his day. He was selling on eBay and some other various income producing activities online but it wasn't really fun for him. So in 2004 he began what became a passion with a laser focus on blogging. Here's a quote:
"In 2004 I started a blog and since then I’ve gone on to create an entire business based
just on blogging and to put it bluntly, it has changed my life." Yaro Starak
Starak averages around $30,00 per month blogging for business. One of the keys to his success is not putting all his eggs in one basket. The way I can best explain this is to show you how I'm trying to do the same thing...
My Two Blogs
This blog is specific to network marketers who are considering Agel or who are on my Agel team
This blog is specific to network marketers who are learning internet network marketing for any MLM and want my help
Both blogs are monetized with sponsors like Google Adsense and affiliate programs that I've bought into that have helped me get into fast forward online money making FUN-damentals - meaning I am finally into passive and residual cashflow that isn't from my primary business, Agel.
So do this - decide you are going to maintain two blogs - one generic and one related to your company by name. That's today's assignment! Stay tuned. You can also visit this section of my generic blog --->http://internetmlm.squarespace.com/internet-marketing-blog/